Fit Friday – Bad Workout Habits to Break!

Box Life Magazine shared a great article back in June – 5 Bad Workout Habits You Need to Break!


Click the link above to head on over to their page & read their reasons to break these bad habits!  Are you guilty of any of the following!?

  1. The burpee/push-up nap
  2. The gentle jog
  3. The cha-cha-cha
  4. The shallow depths
  5. The non-existent reps

I’m definitely guilty of a push-up nap here and there during Cindy when my arms start losing function and the gentle jog on those loooong 400s!  Bleh!

I think their reasons to break up with those non-existent reps goes along nicely with our post last week about The Curse of the Whiteboard!  Don’t get tired (and lazy!) and count those almost-but-not-quite-barely-there reps.  You’re creating incorrect muscle memory and a bad habit!

What other bad workout habits do we need to add to the list?!

This Is Why Your Kids Should Do CrossFit – CFK Fall 2015

If you’ve ever wondered if your kids should join CrossFit Kids, the answer is undoubtedly YES!!


We could rattle off reason after reason that your kiddos should absolutely participate in CrossFit Kids, like helping to develop their vestibular system (balance) and bone density, developing body awareness & a love for fitness just to name a few.  Most importantly, it’s FUN! From jumping, pulling, pushing to games, CFK is helping to develop stronger, healthier kids. Read up on several more reasons you should want your kids to be CrossFit Kids in this great article – This Is Why Your Kids Should Do CrossFit.

CFP’s fall session of CrossFit Kids starts in 3 weeks!  We offer kids classes on Wednesdays & Saturdays for ages 3-12.  Our 8 week session is just $80 (discounts available for siblings) for 16 total classes!  Read all of our sign up info here.  Call (704.889.0190) or email ( us today to get your Lil Beast signed up!


Chasing the RX Button & the Purpose of Scaling


When you come into CrossFit there are many new things to learn.  I believe that your first several weeks to months are akin to learning a new language.  What’s an AMRAP, EMOM, METCON, THRUSTER, C2B, TTB, SDHP, etc.  Along with all of the abbreviations we also throw numbers such as 60% x 5, 75% x 3, 90% x 1 to make you even more confused (just kidding). There is a rhyme and reason to all of the vernacular that is used and one of the most important abbreviations is RX.  As Coach Michelle went over in an earlier blog post, the RX button means to perform a workout as prescribed.  This article will discuss as to why “Chasing the RX Button” and not scaling appropriately is often misguided, counter-productive to our goals, and often times leads to injury.

Among many CrossFitters, being able to perform Metabolic Conditioning segments as prescribed is seen as a right of passage.  Many times individuals will choose to perform movements that they are not proficient in and weights that are too heavy for them in an attempt to perform a workout as prescribed.  We will start with an example in order to describe how to use proper scaling to achieve the targeted response to a workout.

Example: FRAN (The most famous or infamous CF workout)




What this means is that you will perform: 21 Thrusters, 21 Pull Ups, 15 Thrusters, 15 Pull Ups, 9 Thrusters, 9 Pull Ups

The RX (Prescribed) weights for thrusters are 95 lb/males and 65 lbs/females.  The RX (Prescribed) for pull ups is to start on the bar with elbows fully extended and with the chin reaching over the bar.  

Time Frame of Fran:

The time to complete FRAN will be around 2:00 from the fastest in the world and really should take no longer than 7-8 minutes.  

Who should perform this RX?

The answer to this is a little tricky, but here are some general guidelines:

  1. The thruster weight should be no more than 50-60% of your thruster 1 RM
  2. You should be able to perform a minimum of 10 pull-ups unbroken when you are fresh. (Kipping Pull Ups are recommended for those with competency)
  3. You should be able to perform both the thruster and pull up with competency of the movement under fatigue.

Why does it matter?

This is very important as we are performing this workout in order to attempt to produce a very high power output.  A quick physics lesson for everyone…

Power = (Force x Distance)/Time

As you can see TIME is very important in our Power output!!!

A major cornerstone of the CrossFit philosophy is to increase our power output as we train. As we increase our ability to improve our power output our fitness improves.  When we do not scale appropriately we inhibit our ability to train at a proper threshold that is needed to make improvements and adaptations.  

What does this mean?

During FRAN or any other workout you should always pick an appropriate weight and or movement to complete the workout.  This may mean:

-Choosing a Lighter or Heavier Weight

-Choosing to perform a different movement (Ring Row in place of Pull Ups)

-Changing the rep scheme ( Replacing 21-15-9 with 15-12-9)

The Ugly Side of Chasing the RX Button

If you have been around CrossFit long enough you have most likely seen many people fall to pieces during FRAN and take 10-15 minutes to complete it.  This typically manifests itself in each thruster looking like max effort with weight shifting to the toes, and rounding of the spine.  For the pull ups it typically looks like the athlete is potentially having a seizure while attempting their pull ups (often times 1 painful rep after another).  

When this happens, you are not achieving the purpose of the workout and are training at a much lower threshold than originally intended.  When not training at proper thresholds, you will not see adaptations.  And adaptations are typically why we work out, to become stronger, faster, healthier?  The guy using 95lb and taking 17 minutes to complete Fran has not only produced less power output than his counterpart who used 75lb and completed Fran in 8 minutes, but also never achieved the appropriate intensity level and didn’t provide his body the proper physical and neurological stimulus to produce adaptations.

Our Pledge at CFP

You will notice that for many of our metabolic conditioning segments that involve a barbell we often use percentages of your 1 Rep Max instead of an arbitrary number.  We believe that this helps direct members in the right direction.  Before every workout, we always perform movement demos as well as scaling recommendations.  Our intent is to put all of our members in the greatest position for success.  If you ever have any questions about what weight or what movement you should be performing, we always want you to speak up and ask one of our great coaches.
Dr. Warren

10 Rules to Live By If You’re Trying to Lose Weight


This quote pertains to so much that we do in life, especially our constant struggle to lose weight.  I have had so many people come up to me and ask “how can I lose weight” or “any tips on losing weight”.  When I came across this article, I felt like it had some great tips I wanted to share.

Eating healthy isn’t just the only way to get you to your goal.  You need to be tracking (try downloading myfitnesspal to your smart phone), drinking lots of water, sleeping enough, and thinking positive!  Take a few minutes to sit down and read this article.  Try implementing the steps you aren’t doing and watch the changes happen!

Keep an eye out for our healthy eating challenge coming up in September!   Also, never hesitate to ask a coach for help or advice.  We want you to feel like the best you and will help you get there!!

Fit Friday – Repost

Today’s post is a repost of a blog I wrote over a year ago.  I came across it when going back through our blog archives & it still rings true today!  So I thought it was worth a share.  Let’s continue to celebrate what our bodies can do, instead of what they look like!

It didn’t take me long to fall in love with CrossFit.  In the most recent years of my adult life I had really begun to love exercise, being fit & working out (ya know, as much as one can I guess).  So when I found CrossFit, I was hooked.

A few months in though, I still wasn’t quite sure why I loved it so much.  I couldn’t pin point it. But then it hit me, CrossFit isn’t about being “skinny”, it’s about being strong.  CrossFit isn’t about what your body looks like, it’s about what your body can do and what you’re physically & mentally capable of.

For a lot of people (including me!), that is very freeing!  I follow the group Women of CrossFit = Strong on Facebook & they shared this article today…

10+ Reasons I Love My Ugly Body from Andrea @ (If it doesn’t load right away, keep refreshing, it’s worth the read!)


It was too good not to share!  This is the kind of stuff worth celebrating & praising in my book!!  Props to Andrea for being so brave & putting herself out there like that.  This is what CrossFit is about, to me.

I may never look likes a games athlete or be as fit as them.  But that’s ok, because that’s not my goal in the first place.  And size & shape don’t dictate fitness.  We (as a society, as humans) become so focused on what our bodies look like…or don’t look like…that we forget how far we’ve come, how much we’ve accomplished & how much we’re CAPABLE of!!

So wether you’re just starting your journey, stuck in a rut, or have fallen off the bandwagon, remember…

You must!!  Change, growth, magic – they all happen outside of our comfort zone!  Do the hard things guys, and they won’t be hard anymore!!

Keep up the good work athletes, the best is yet to come!

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Fit Friday – Don’t Lie Down!

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Wise words from our friend Kathryn of CrossFit KLEW

You’ve heard your coaches say it before, after a grueling workout, when all you really want to do is lay down and die….”Walk around, get some oxgyn, don’t lie down!”  And it’s true.  You should cool down properly after a workout!

According to this Box Life article, there are 3 main benefits to a proper cool down post WOD: 1- Helps waste removal & decreases blood pooling.  2 – Lessens the effects of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).  3 – Increases flexibility.

See, your coaches aren’t trying to torture you by making you walk around after a tough WOD, we’re looking out for you!  Remember, you dominated that WOD, not the other way around, so don’t lie down in defeat 😉

Cherry Pickers

So how does that saying go…you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick the WOD?  No that’s not it?  Well it should be!

We’ve all done it before…looked at the WOD first thing in the morning, thought to ourselves, “Wow, that looks sucky!” and totally skipped the workout.  Some athletes are seldom offenders, while some of you {you know who you are!} are repeat offenders!

cherry picking

Breaking Muscle shared a great article, Cherry Picking and Birthday WODs: How to Stop the Madness, and it speaks to box owners/programmers, all you cherry pickers out there and the detriment randomness and cherry picking can actually cause to your training!

“Random is dangerous, but more importantly, it’s ineffective.”  We’ve talked a lot on the blog lately about mesocycles, periodization & the importance we here at CFP place programming. The author of this article, Patrick McCarty, says it well when he says “failing to follow a (quality) program will get you injured, overtrained, and nowhere near your goals.”

CrossFit is designed to be constantly varied, but constantly varied DOES NOT mean random!  “Once constantly varied turns into random, you’re just wandering around the desert looking for water.”  So athletes, next time you see that sucky WOD – you know the one you’d rather skip and walk across hot coals or lay on a bed of nails than show up and complete – just remember your cherry picking ways are getting you no where closer to better.

Trust your coaches and the programming, trust the process.  There IS a METHOD to the MADNESS 😉

Tuesday Pep Talk

It didn’t take me long to fall in love with CrossFit.  In the most recent years of my adult life I had really begun to love exercise, being fit & working out (ya know, as much as one can I guess).  So when I found CrossFit, I was hooked.

A few months in though, I still wasn’t quite sure why I loved it so much.  I couldn’t pin point it. But then it hit me, CrossFit isn’t about being “skinny”, it’s about being strong.  CrossFit isn’t about what your body looks like, it’s about what your body can do and what you’re physically & mentally capable of.

For a lot of people (including me!), that is very freeing!  I follow the group Women of CrossFit = Strong on Facebook & they shared this article today…

10+ Reasons I Love My Ugly Body from Andrea @ (If it doesn’t load right away, keep refreshing, it’s worth the read!)


It was too good not to share!  This is the kind of stuff worth celebrating & praising in my book!!  Props to Andrea for being so brave & putting herself out there like that.  This is what CrossFit is about, to me.

I may never look likes a games athlete or be as fit as them.  But that’s ok, because that’s not my goal in the first place.  And size & shape don’t dictate fitness.  We (as a society, as humans) become so focused on what our bodies look like…or don’t look like…that we forget how far we’ve come, how much we’ve accomplished & how much we’re CAPABLE of!!

So wether you’re just starting your journey, stuck in a rut, or have fallen off the bandwagon, remember…

You must!!  Change, growth, magic – they all happen outside of our comfort zone!  Do the hard things guys, and they won’t be hard anymore!!

Keep up the good work athletes, the best is yet to come!

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Good Reads

There are lots of good reads floating around associated with CrossFit and the like, so I thought I’d share a few for this cloudy day…

We’ve shared this article before, but it’s always worth another read!  The Lifting Belt, what it is, what it does & when to use (& not use!) it!


CrossFit Kids is on the brain at CFP!  Here are a few great articles –

Early Specialization – Overtraining


Early Specialization – Burnout

Early Specialization 4

My Sprinter – Can movement serve as therapy for kids on the autism spectrum?


Happy reading 🙂

CrossFit Reads

Here are some funny CrossFit quotes & reads that have been floating around this week…

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Very well said!!


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“With [CrossFit’s] popularity, I’m starting to see more and more articles and resources popping up in crazy numbers on blogs, news sites, magazines, and newsfeeds. However, I’m also finding it harder and harder to distinguish between fact, opinion, and trolling when it comes to a lot of these pieces, especially when I consume most of my information in the madness that is the digital wild west.”

Read the above article here….and then share it with your friends who haven’t yet tried CrossFit!


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“You want to know what babies suck at? Everything. …. Part of life is learning something new, sucking at it and getting better.”  “Don’t let your excuses get in the way of your success. Just go and do something, anything really except make excuses.”

So sarcastic, gotta love it!  Read this article here.