Counting Double Unders

Double Under Funny

How to Count Double Unders

Oh the elusive double under.  You spend hours whipping your legs, bottom and arms all for that one moment when the stars align and the rope actually passes under your feet twice.  It is a glorious feeling…one of achievement and happiness because you didn’t add another lash mark to your already stinging toosh!

You are ready to conquer the world, or really just that rx button for a WOD that has doubles, but do you know how to count them???  The easiest and most effective way, is to count your feet and not your rope.  Count how many times your feet hit the ground with the rope going under it twice.  Those are good reps!  If the rope doesn’t make it around twice, gets caught on your foot on the second spin, or you land on the rope on the second spin…those reps don’t count!  Some people have to do one or two singles leading into doubles (yes, I am one of those), and sadly, those little boogers don’t count, either!

Don’t hesitate to ask a coach to help watch you or count for you, if you have any questions.  Keep up all the hard work and happy counting! 🙂