
CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit

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10 mins

(No Measure)

Dynamic Warm-up


25 mins

Gymnastic Stations

3 rounds: 30 sec work/30 sec transition to next station

*2 minute rest b/t rounds

Supine Grip chin over bar hold

Paralette L-sit

Active Bar Hang

Ring Support Holds

*If you cannot work for 30 seconds, that’s ok! Work as long as you can with good form.

*Scale parallette L-sit to —> one leg, one knee bent/toe tapping ground, knees bent, knees bent/toe tapping ground

*Scale chin over bar holds with a box for support


Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

Every 5 minutes for 20 minutes complete:

500m row

10 T2B

*rest with remaining time until the top of the next 5 minute mark

Fall Clean Eating Challange


Oh don’t we wish it was that easy!  Summer is winding down and gone are the days at the pool, weekend barbecues and trips to the beach.  It can be hard to focus on eating clean with endless amounts of potato salad, barbecue and beer!  Before the holidays creep up on us, we are giving you guys a chance to clean up your diets for our 6 Week Fall Eating Challenge!  From Sept.14-Oct. 25, we will be seeing who can get to the gym, track their food, and change their overall body composition and health the most!!!

Every person is different, and because of this no one way of eating will work the best for everyone.  For this challenge you guys have the option to choose how you want to eat.  Here are a few options we think might be best…

CrossFit Diet – CrossFit’s recommendation is to eat lean meats, vegetables, nuts and seed, some fruit, little starch and no sugar.  This means no grains or gluten, no dairy and no desserts.  Your sugar should come from your fruits or natural sources!  This ties closely in with Paleo.

Paleo – The Paleo diet is fashioned after the Paleolithic Era, so you basically eat as the cavemen did! The big idea here is to eliminate processed/packaged foods and to eat real, whole, nourishing foods.  The cavemen didn’t have dairy or grains as an option, so these things were not apart of their diet.  There is a also a version of Paleo called Primal.  With Primal, dairy is allowed.  So if you must have your cream in your coffee, this may be the route for you!


Whole 30 – Whole 30 is very similar to Paleo, although a little more strict.  No natural sweeteners, like honey or molasses, no recreated Paleo “goodies” and a few other restrictions mentioned here.  The point of Whole 30 is to eliminate certain foods groups (sugar, grains, dairy, legumes) that cause inflammation, hormone and gut disruption, and unhealthy psychological responses to see how your body feels without them!  Again, the idea is to eliminate processed/packaged foods and to eat real, whole, nourishing foods.


Zone – The Zone Diet is about balancing your macronutrients – protein, fat and carbs – at every meal.  This in turns balances out your hormones as well as many other bodily functions while ensuring you’re getting proper nutrition.  Most typical CrossFitting men need roughly 15 blocks a day and women need somewhere around 12 blocks, but this can be adjusted based on your goals (like fat loss vs performance).

There are several lists (here & here) that outline foods & what serving size equals one block. You’ll notice that the above meals and the lists contain some grains and dairy.  While this is an option on Zone, we’re taking these out for our challenge.  Again, the goal is to eliminate processed/packaged foods and to eat real, whole, nourishing foods.

When following Paleo or Whole 30, it can be helpful to keep blocks in mind. 3 Almonds is considered 1 block of fat, so when you’re grabbing a handful of almonds for a snack, you may be getting more fat than you realized.  3 cups of cooked broccoli is only 1 block of carbs. While the good news is no one ever got fat eating broccoli, you probably don’t want to eat 9 cups of broccoli to get your 3 blocks of carbs with dinner!  You either need to eat more broccoli or eat some other nutrient dense carbs.


Flexible Dieting – Flexible dieting is also based off of your macronutrients, fats, carbohydrates and proteins, but instead of a block system, you count the grams of each.  With flexible dieting, anything and everything is ok to eat…as long as it fits your macros, you can have it.  To determine your macros, your first have to find your TDEE (or total daily energy expenditure), this is the total amount of calories you need to maintain based off of your current age, weight and activity level.  Once you know this, you can then figure out your macros.  Flexible dieting is all about body composition, so depending on what your goal may be, cutting mass, maintaining or gaining, you can change your percentages around.  For more info on this way of eating or on how to find your macros, click here or ask Coach Stephanie or Amy!


Now that you have an idea of the types of healthy lifestyles available to you, what are the details???

The contest will run from Sept.14 – Oct. 25.  The first week of the challenge, set up a time with a coach to do measurements and weigh ins.  This is not required but definitely recommended (We will be taking weights and measurements into account but they won’t be the only factor for winning).  We may also have the bodpod coming, but it is not confirmed yet so just watch for more details.

Each week you will have a chance to win up to 8 points, 1 for a weekly food log and1 for each day you work out, in or outside of the gym.  We are recommending everyone download the MyFitnessPal app on your smart phone.  You can also click here to go to their website and log on your computer.  This is the easiest and most accurate way to measure your food intake.  It will help you to see where you overeat and also what areas needs increasing.  If your body is underfed, it can be just as problematic for weight loss and muscle gain.  Another bonus, is you can easily email us your food logs and rack in those points!

At the end of the 6 weeks, we will add all the points, take a look at weight and inches lost or muscle gained and select the top 3 winners.  I know, I know…get to the good part already, the swag!  First Place – Your Choice of Protein AND Fish Oil, Second Place – Your Choice of Protein OR Fish Oil, and Third Place –  A Box of Bars.

We are excited to see what changes you guys see and feel over the 6 weeks.  We hope you will all find a lifestyle that works for you and helps motivate you through the Holidays.  Always feel free to grab a coach if you have any questions!  Good Luck and Clean Eating!!!


CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit

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10 mins

(No Measure)

Dynamic Warm-up


20 mins

Single Arm KB Thrusters (4×10 each arm)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Every 4 mins for 20 mins

400m Run

With the remainder of the 4 mins…


10 Wallballs (20/14)

10 Pull-ups

10 Medball slams (20/14)

*Score is rounds and reps of wallballs, pull-ups and ball slams

*400m run at the top of every 4 minutes. Start WOD with run.

*Pick up the AMRAP where you left off in each 4 minute section

A Look Ahead : Week of 08/31 Programming


Hello Week 4!  Last week was hard but you all came in and got it done.  This week we guarantee there will be one day you will see something you don’t love doing, surprise yourself and come in anyway.  Show that movement who’s boss!

Monday  – We kick off the week with those fun single arm KB thrusters!  Then we wrap up with 5 rounds of 4 min of work with some running, wallballs, push-ups and medball slams.  Happy Monday!

Tuesday – We start off with a gymnastics circuit.  4 stations of 30 sec on/30 sec off should be tons of fun…be sure to pick your appropriate modification if you need one.  Ask your coach for help picking if you need it!  We finish off with a 500 meter row and bar MU or strict pull-ups every 5 min for 20 min.

Wednesday – It must be dirty at the box today with all this cleaning going on…our weightlifting is (you guessed it!) cleans!  We spend 15 min either working up to a heavy 3 (remember that is relative!!!) or doing 5 sets of 3 of cleans or power cleans.  After that, we have a 7 min emom of a clean pull, power clean, clean and a front squat at around 75% of what you found earlier.  Then a little metcon for time of empty bar thrusters and burpees!  Oh yea!

Thursday – Almost to the weekend guys and to celebrate we are doing two 15 min AMRAPS!  DU, pull-ups and barbell step-ups in the first and then rowing, push-ups and abmat sit ups in the second.  Should be a blast!

Friday – TGIF athletes!!!  We kick it off with a 6 min EMOM of 3 deadlifts at 65-75% off your 1RM.  Then we have a 6 min AMRAP of an ascending rep count of thrusters and pull-ups.

Saturday – Partner WOD day! You and your partner should have a blast doing suicides and rowing for one AMRAP and then suicides and DU for the next!   Get your buddy and get it done!

It looks to be like a great week!  Remember to always ask if you need help picking the right modification!  As always, see you at the box!!!

Chasing the RX Button & the Purpose of Scaling


When you come into CrossFit there are many new things to learn.  I believe that your first several weeks to months are akin to learning a new language.  What’s an AMRAP, EMOM, METCON, THRUSTER, C2B, TTB, SDHP, etc.  Along with all of the abbreviations we also throw numbers such as 60% x 5, 75% x 3, 90% x 1 to make you even more confused (just kidding). There is a rhyme and reason to all of the vernacular that is used and one of the most important abbreviations is RX.  As Coach Michelle went over in an earlier blog post, the RX button means to perform a workout as prescribed.  This article will discuss as to why “Chasing the RX Button” and not scaling appropriately is often misguided, counter-productive to our goals, and often times leads to injury.

Among many CrossFitters, being able to perform Metabolic Conditioning segments as prescribed is seen as a right of passage.  Many times individuals will choose to perform movements that they are not proficient in and weights that are too heavy for them in an attempt to perform a workout as prescribed.  We will start with an example in order to describe how to use proper scaling to achieve the targeted response to a workout.

Example: FRAN (The most famous or infamous CF workout)




What this means is that you will perform: 21 Thrusters, 21 Pull Ups, 15 Thrusters, 15 Pull Ups, 9 Thrusters, 9 Pull Ups

The RX (Prescribed) weights for thrusters are 95 lb/males and 65 lbs/females.  The RX (Prescribed) for pull ups is to start on the bar with elbows fully extended and with the chin reaching over the bar.  

Time Frame of Fran:

The time to complete FRAN will be around 2:00 from the fastest in the world and really should take no longer than 7-8 minutes.  

Who should perform this RX?

The answer to this is a little tricky, but here are some general guidelines:

  1. The thruster weight should be no more than 50-60% of your thruster 1 RM
  2. You should be able to perform a minimum of 10 pull-ups unbroken when you are fresh. (Kipping Pull Ups are recommended for those with competency)
  3. You should be able to perform both the thruster and pull up with competency of the movement under fatigue.

Why does it matter?

This is very important as we are performing this workout in order to attempt to produce a very high power output.  A quick physics lesson for everyone…

Power = (Force x Distance)/Time

As you can see TIME is very important in our Power output!!!

A major cornerstone of the CrossFit philosophy is to increase our power output as we train. As we increase our ability to improve our power output our fitness improves.  When we do not scale appropriately we inhibit our ability to train at a proper threshold that is needed to make improvements and adaptations.  

What does this mean?

During FRAN or any other workout you should always pick an appropriate weight and or movement to complete the workout.  This may mean:

-Choosing a Lighter or Heavier Weight

-Choosing to perform a different movement (Ring Row in place of Pull Ups)

-Changing the rep scheme ( Replacing 21-15-9 with 15-12-9)

The Ugly Side of Chasing the RX Button

If you have been around CrossFit long enough you have most likely seen many people fall to pieces during FRAN and take 10-15 minutes to complete it.  This typically manifests itself in each thruster looking like max effort with weight shifting to the toes, and rounding of the spine.  For the pull ups it typically looks like the athlete is potentially having a seizure while attempting their pull ups (often times 1 painful rep after another).  

When this happens, you are not achieving the purpose of the workout and are training at a much lower threshold than originally intended.  When not training at proper thresholds, you will not see adaptations.  And adaptations are typically why we work out, to become stronger, faster, healthier?  The guy using 95lb and taking 17 minutes to complete Fran has not only produced less power output than his counterpart who used 75lb and completed Fran in 8 minutes, but also never achieved the appropriate intensity level and didn’t provide his body the proper physical and neurological stimulus to produce adaptations.

Our Pledge at CFP

You will notice that for many of our metabolic conditioning segments that involve a barbell we often use percentages of your 1 Rep Max instead of an arbitrary number.  We believe that this helps direct members in the right direction.  Before every workout, we always perform movement demos as well as scaling recommendations.  Our intent is to put all of our members in the greatest position for success.  If you ever have any questions about what weight or what movement you should be performing, we always want you to speak up and ask one of our great coaches.
Dr. Warren


CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit

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15 mins

(No Measure)

Dynamic Warm-up/Barbell Warm-up


PC+FS+Thruster Complex

Every 90 sec for 8 sets

1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Thruster

*65-75% of 3RM Thruster

*Spend 10 minutes warming up to your weight

Thruster (8×1(1 PC + 1 FS + 1 Thruster))


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5 min AMRAP

10 Box Overs (Rx+ 30/24)(24/20)

200m Run

Coach Highlight – Brandon Shuck

This month’s Coach Highlight is CFP Co-Owner & Trainer, Brandon Shuck!


Brandon is originally from Michigan and grew up playing several competitive sports.  He played collegiate level baseball and is now in sales, co-owns CFP, and has a wife & daughter.


Brandon enjoys training and competing in local CrossFit competitions.  He has been traveling for his job for the past 7 years, but just recently took a new job that allows him to be home and at CFP more often!  He loves working with athletes of all levels, but especially power athletes.  Brandon is taking the CrossFit Football certification this month and is excited for the future of CrossFit Pineville!  Get to know Brandon a little better below…

Brandon’s Coach Profile

1. Tell us a little about yourself.  I was born and raised in Hudsonville, MI.  In high school I played football, baseball and I wrestled.  I later went on to Central Michigan University where I played 2 years of baseball.  After college, I took a sales job and moved to Charlotte in 2008. Not too long after I moved, I met my future wife, Michelle, who is now the mother of my daughter, Kinslee.  With the help of my wife Michelle and my brother in law Warren, we opened up CrossFit Pineville a little over 2 years ago.

2. How did you get into CrossFit and why do you like coaching?  When I initially heard about CrossFit, I did what most people do and I went and checked out a local box.  I was not impressed by the community and space and this initially turned me off.  Soon after this experience, one of my best friends from Michigan took me to the CrossFit box he was training at, and it changed my view totally.  Not only did the workout kick my butt, but the coaches and the community I experienced were great!

I love coaching because I love to see people achieve things they never thought possible. Whether it be a strict pull-up, squatting their bodyweight+ or just running a mile without stopping. Helping people create better versions of themselves is satisfaction for me.

3. What is your favorite CrossFit movement?  Least favorite?  My favorite exercise would have to be any Olympic lifting or thrusters.  I love perfecting all the technical aspects of the clean or the snatch, and I don’t know why, I just like thrusters.  But, it is probably because they are one of my better movements.  I do despise high rep DUs and box jumps.  These two movements destroy me.

4. What would you tell someone considering trying CFP?  For anyone looking to try CrossFit I would them that I have never been stronger, more fit and ready for whatever life has to throw at me. CrossFit isn’t just what you see the Professional Athletes doing on ESPN. It can be scaled to every type of person out there.