#fitspiration Monday – SuperFit edition!

This past weekend Warren, Brandon & I competed in Team SuperFit!  It was my very 1st competition & we all had a blast!

SuperFit Games

Team SuperFit Charlotte was held at CrossFit Steele Creek & it was a packed house!!
It was a very long day, starting at about 7am, with 3 total workouts.  None of us made it to the 4th & final WOD, but in the end, we were all ok with that 🙂  We all finished strong & are proud of our individual performances! 

CFSC ready to go!

Brandon & Michelle

Meagan & Michelle

Boys getting warmed up

WOD 1 – 10 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible) of 10 Shoulder to Overhead (presses) and 20 Toes to Bar

The boys rocked it out!! They finished with over 8 rounds!

Meagan rocking the presses!

I was pretty proud of my T2B in the beginning, best I’ve ever done!  By the end, my grip was gone!

I love SOH!  It’s my favorite! 

Follow this link for the video Brandon got of Meagan and me 🙂

We finished with 4 rounds + 9 more presses!  We wanted at least 4 rounds, so goal accomplished!

WOD 2 – 150 Double Unders (Single Unders for us scaled peeps), 50 Deadlifts, 25 Front Squats – 6 minute time cap

The guys did so great!  They had to complete 50 Deadlifts at 275lbs & 25 Front Squats at 185lbs! Talk about heavy!  They finished in about 4 and a half minutes…strong men!!

I’m so proud of Meagan & I!  Meagan rocked that 135lbs deadlift – she got 20 right out of the bat! We both cleaned 95lbs like it was our job & front squatted it like a boss 🙂  This was definitely our favorite WOD!  Us girls like to lift heavy 😉

WOD 3 – 10min EMOM (every minute on the minute) of 10 Hand Release Bar Over Burpees with max Power Snatches in remaining minute

Click here for the video I got of Brandon & Warren getting after those Burpees & Power Snatches!

Warren took the burpees & B handled the snatches!  They finished with 72 total Snatches!

I took all the burpees & Meagan rocked the snatches for us!  We had a total of 66 Snatches!  (Oh & yes, the lights powered down for a few just before our heat started.  (GPP baby – general physical preparedness – we’re even prepared to workout in the dark! Ha)

It was such an awesome day!!  Who knows…maybe I have more competitions in my future!?  Either way, I’m so glad I did it!  I was never really an athlete growing up so competing is not something I’m used to, but it was such a cool experience!  Seriously, you can do anything you put your mind to, even compete in amateur CrossFit competitions!! 🙂

Happy lifting!

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Dirty 30 Birthday Bash

These 2 guys had a pretty great “birthday” weekend!

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They kicked off the fun with a Dirty 30 Birthday WOD – partner style!  Their friends Paul & Steve joined in for a little competition!

For time:

  • 30 Muscle Ups
  • 30 Handstand Pushups
  • 30 Ring Dips
  • 30 OHS (95)
  • 30 Box Jumps (24)
  • 30 Wall Balls (20)
  • 30 KB Swings (1.5)
  • 30 Hang Power Cleans (95)
  • 30 Burpees
  • 30 Double Unders

Brandon & Warren finished in 12:43!!  They are beasts, seriously!

Here are some pics from the day….most are a bit blurry since the move so fast!

A crowd stayed after the 10am class to cheer the boys on!


Muscle Ups



Handstand Pushups


Over Head Squats

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Ring Dips

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Kettlebell Swings

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Hang Cleans

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Cheerleaders & all!


That night, we had a fun “Dirty 30 Mustache Bash” themed party at the box!  Qdoba provided the eats, I provided the cake (yes, it’s *almost* paleo minus the dairy in the chocolate chips and all the sprinkles), our DJ Joey provided the beats, and the keg provided the drinks (beer is always Paleo on birthdays!).  Good times were had by all!!


Here’s a few pics from our “photo booth”!

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Thanks to all of our awesome athletes & friends that came out to help celebrate our coaches!!

CrossFit for Hope

This past Saturday, Warren & Brandon participated in CrossFit for Hope, a fundraiser put on by CF Headquarters to raise money for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital!  It was held at CrossFit Steele Creek, just about 7 miles away from CFP.

The boys were in the last heat of the day & were excited to be apart of it!  Hope is a workout that follows the Fight Gone Bad style… Hope is 3 rounds for reps of Burpees, Chest to Bar Pullups, Box Jumps, Thrusters & Power Snatches.  Each movement is performed for 1 minute making each round 5 minutes long with 1 minute in between each round.

Here are our boys in action…

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Getting after those Burpees!

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Lots of box jumps!

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Power Snatches

Loudest cheerleaders there 🙂

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Since it was for charity, there’s not really a declared winner.  But as far as we can tell, Brandon won!!!

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Brandon had a total of 266 reps over his 5 rounds!!!  Combined, our boys got almost 500 reps – 489 total!!

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Way to go Brandon & Warren!!!  CFP is so proud of you!!


Thanks to CF Steele Creek for hosting this awesome event!!